Según los mayas, las lechuzas son la guía de Xibalbá, el mundo de los muertos. Xibalba se puede encontrar siguiendo la vía láctea hasta llegar al Yucatán mexicano. Unos cientos de pies debajo de la superficie de la tierra encontrarás la entrada a Xibalbá. La entrada se describe como una puerta de estrellas, demasiado caliente para tocarla y demasiado brillante para mirarla.
Para ingresar debe traer una docena de monedas de oro, una bolsa de granos de cacao y dos mazorcas de maíz.

According to the Mayans, owls are the guide to Xibalbá, the world of the dead. Xibalba can be found by following the milky way until arriving at the Mexican Yucatan. A few hundred feet below the earth's surface the entrance to Xibalba can be found. The doorway is described as a gate of stars, too hot to touch and too bright too look at.
To enter you must bring a dozen gold coins, a satchel of cacoa beans, and a two ears of corn.

It's October 1st, and you are a Representative desperate to keep the promises you made on the campaign trail. Work with your fellow Appropriations committee members to draft a budget resolution or face the blame of a Government Shutdown.
If no one is happy, that means you've won!

The Federal Budget process is confusing and convoluted. Rather than attempting to teach the ins and outs of every statute and exception, BuildABudget teaches interns what happens at the drafting table. BuildABudget facilitates learning about the Appropriations Committee in a fun and lighthearted way.
Still in Development*